In the study of Biomedicines, molecular docking simulation is a common method for predicting potential interacting complexes of small molecules in protein binding sites. However, it is a time-consuming process to search exhaustively all correct conformations of a compound. This study demonstrates how massive molecular docking benefit from state-of-the-art Grid technology. Providing intensive computing power and effective data management, the production e-infrastructure (such as EGEE and EUAsiaGrid) enables opportunities for in-silico drug discovery on the neglected and emerging diseases, for instance, avian influenza and dengue fever. In this study, Grid Application Platform (GAP) and GAP-enabled Virtual Screening Service (GVSS) were developed with the docking engine of the Autodock 3.0.5. A JAVA-based graphical user interface and the GAP allow end-users to specify target and compound library, set up docking parameters, monitor docking jobs and computing resources, visualize and refine docking results, and finally download the final results. To provide a more user-friendly Grid service, GVSS was designed for conducting large-scale molecular docking more easily.