We evaluated the morphology of typical and atypical Paracoccidioides brasiliensis strains and the expression of its 43 kDa glycoprotein (GP43). Strains of P. brasiliensis preserved under mineral oil for long periods of time presented different morphological patterns on peptone, yeast-extract and glucose (PYG) agar. The intravenous inoculation in BALB/c mice confirmed that a strain bearing morphological alterations was non-virulent. In contrast, another strain also maintained under mineral oil but which did not exhibit such morphological dysfunction was as virulent as the well characterized Pb 339 and Pb 18 strains. The expression of the main antigen expressed by P. brasiliensis, GP43, was assessed in culture filtrates by western immunoblots. Typical and atypical strains were capable of secreting the glycoprotein, except strain Pb IOC 1059. The identity of the atypical strains was confirmed by PCR using specific primers for gp43, though the single PCR-fragment varied in size for the atypical strains. The PCR fragments from an atypical strain, Pb IOC 1210, and the typical Pb 339 and Pb IOC 3698 strains were sequenced and blasted to the gp43 gene from the Pb 18 strain (GenBank AY005429). These results ensured the identity of the atypical strains as P. brasiliensis, and suggested a relationship between the alteration of morphological differentiation and the virulence factor following storage under mineral oil.