The banana weevil borer (Cosmopolites sordidus) is the main pest of banana crops, causing significant losses in productivity, being recommended control by chemical insecticides which cause several environmental impacts. On the other hand, entomopathogenic nematodes can be an alternative to the pest control, mainly because of their habits. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating isolated entomopathogenic nematodes under laboratory conditions and also their interaction with a chemical insecticide (carbofuran), aiming at their use for the weevil borer control. Sixteen Sterinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae isolates were evaluated, applied over the banana tree pseudo stem (100 JIs/cm 2 ) and they were compared to one another concerning mortality caused in adults individual of C. sordidus. The most infective isolates were subjected to in vivo multiplication at the host Galleria mellonella and interaction with the insecticide carbofuran, including in this case, viability and infectivity analysis of the entomopathogenic nematodes exposed to the product, as well as the effect of the insecticide on the symbiotic bacteria of the entomopathogenic nematodes. The experiments at this stage were conducted in completely randomized design and the data were subjected to ANOVA, with application of the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The most virulent isolates were IBCBn24 and IBCBn40 (respectively 33.3% and 36.7% of confirmed mortality), which also showed high multiplication in corpses. The insecticide did not affect the viability of the isolate, but it really harmed its infectivity, although it did not affect the development of the symbiotic bacterium.KEY WORDS: Heterorhabditis, Steinernema, biological control, chemical insecticide.
RESUMONEMATOIDES ENTOMOPATOGÊNICOS E SUA INTERAÇÃO COM INSETICIDA QUÍMI-CO VISANDO AO CONTROLE DA BROCA-DA-BANANEIRA COSMOPOLITES SORDIDUS GERMAR (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE). A broca-da-bananeira (Cosmopolites sordidus) é a principal praga dos cultivos de banana, acarretando perdas significativas na produtividade da cultura, sendo recomendados inseticidas químicos para seu controle, os quais causam impacto ambiental. Por outro lado, os nematoides entomopatogênicos podem ser uma alternativa para o controle da praga, principalmente devido aos seus hábitos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar isolados de nematoides entomopatogênicos em condições de laboratório e a interação com inseticida químico (carbofurano), visando a sua utilização no controle da broca. Foram testados 16 isolados das famílias Sterinernematidae e Heterorhabditidae, aplicados sobre pseudocaule de banananeira (100 JIs/cm 2 ) e comparados entre si quanto à mortalidade causada em indivíduos adultos de C. sordidus. Os isolados mais infectivos foram submetidos a experimentos de multiplicação in vivo no hospedeiro Galleria mellonella e de interação com o inseticida carbofurano incluindo, neste caso, análise de viabilidade e infectividade dos nematoides expostos ao produto, bem como o efeito do inseticida sobre as bactérias simbionte...