Unsuckled specific pathogen free calves were inoculated at 3-4 weeks of age, either intranasally (IN) or orally (O) with bovine coronavirus or O plus IN (O/IN) or O with bovine rotavirus. Shedding of virus in nasal or fecal samples, and virus-infected nasal epithelial cells were detected using immunofluorescent staining (IF), ELISA or immune electron microscopy (IEM). Isotype-specific antibody titers in sera, nasal and fecal samples were determined by ELISA. Calves inoculated with coronavirus shed virus in feces and virus was detected in nasal epithelial cells. Nasal shedding persisted longer in IN-inoculated calves than in O-inoculated calves and longer than fecal shedding in both IN and O-inoculated calves. Diarrhea occurred in all calves, but there were no signs of respiratory disease. Calves inoculated with rotavirus had similar patterns of diarrhea and fecal shedding, but generally of shorter duration than in coronavirus-inoculated calves. No nasal shedding of rotavirus was detected. Peak IgM antibody responses, in most calves, were detected in fecal and nasal speciments at 7-10 days post-exposure (DPE), preceeding peak IgA responses which occurred at 10-14 DPE. The nasal antibody responses occurred in all virus-inoculated calves even in the absence of nasal shedding of virus in rotavirus-inoculated calves. Calves inoculated with coronavirus had higher titers of IgM and IgA antibodies in fecal and nasal samples than rotavirus-inoculated calves. In most inoculated calves, maximal titers of IgM or IgA antibodies correlated with the cessation of fecal or nasal virus shedding. A similar sequence of appearance of IgM and IgA antibodies occurred in serum, but IgA antibodies persisted for a shorter period than in fecal or nasal samples. Serum IgG1 antibody responses generally preceeded IgG2 responses and were predominant in most calves after 14-21 DPE.