High temperature ionic liquids (HTILs) densities and transport properties for mixtures BaCl2‑CsCl, x(BaCl2) = 0-1, have been studied as a function of composition and temperature. In terms of Arrhenius theory, the temperature correlation of all measured properties was made and discussed. Thermodynamic properties (isothermal compressibility, molecular volume, lattice energy, heat capacity, molar Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy) were derived for all the studied HTILs from experimental data. The viscosity isotherms show negative deviations from linearity, while conductivity isotherms have positive deviations which may be related to the formation of highly negative changed ion associated species. The evolution of the excess quantities: viscosity deviation (Δη), excess molar viscosity (ΔEη), excess molar conductivity (ΔEκ), show a very good parallelism. The linear behavior between conductivity and viscosity was determined using the fractional Walden rule and the average slope was found far from unity.