The viscosity of liquid n-decane and liquid mixtures of n-decanemethane containing 31.2, 55.7, 69 and 84.7 mol% methane has been measured using an absolute oscillation vessel viscometer. The measurements have been performed in the temperature range 20 -150 "C, and at pressures up to 40 MPa. -The viscosities of the n-decane and the liquid mixtures are described separately by an empirical correlation in terms of temperature and pressure. The standard deviation in fit are 0.14-0.2%. The estimated accuracy is f 1 YO for ndecane at 20°C deteriorating to 4 % at 150°C for the mixtures containing 84.7 mol% methane. -Applying a generalization of the Grundberg and Nissan equation, the experimental viscosities are expressed as a function of temperature, pressure and composition with an overall standard deviation in the fit of 0.6%. -Literature data deviate 0-+4% from the correlated n-decane viscosities, and + 10 to +40% from the mixture viscosities of the present investigation.