We consider the life-cycle optimal portfolio choice problem faced by an agent receiving labor income and allocating her wealth to risky assets and a riskless bond subject to a borrowing constraint. In this paper, to reflect a realistic economic setting, we propose a model where the dynamics of the labor income has two main features. First, labor income adjust slowly to financial market shocks, a feature already considered in Biffis et al. (2015) [8]. Second, the labor income yi of an agent i is benchmarked against the labor incomes of a population y n := (y1, y2, . . . , yn) of n agents with comparable tasks and/or ranks. This last feature has not been considered yet in the literature and is faced taking the limit when n → +∞ so that the problem falls into the family of optimal control of infinite dimensional McKean-Vlasov Dynamics, which is a completely new and challenging research field.We study the problem in a simplified case where, adding a suitable new variable, we are able to find explicitly the solution of the associated HJB equation and find the optimal feedback controls. The techniques are a careful and nontrivial extension of the ones introduced in the previous papers of Biffis et al.,[8,7].