Auch wenn sie es vehement von sich weisen würden, so haben meine Eltern großen Anteil an dieser, meiner Dissertation. Sie gaben mir von Kindesbeinen an die Freiheit, mich mit dem Nachdenken auseinanderzusetzen. Glaubt mir, Mama und Papa, ohne diese Freiheit wäre ich heute nicht der, der ich bin.Schließlich danke ich meiner über alles geliebten Frau Anita. Wir sind fast genau so lange verheiratet, wie es gedauert hat, bis ich nun mein Promotionsverfahren erfolgreich abschließen konnte. In diesen Jahren haben wir einiges zusammen erlebt und durchgemacht.Du, Anita, hast immer zu mir gehalten und mich in Allem und mit Allem unterstützt.Ohne Dich, Anita, wäre diese Arbeit undenkbar.Dir, Anita, widme ich diese A B S T R A C T background Humans usually refer to landmarks when they give route directions to pedestrians. One of the reasons why current mobile pedestrian navigation systems do not yet mimic this mode of communication is the lack of available data sources. The usefulness of a crowd-sourced data acquisition approach to overcome this problem has long been mooted. However, to date no empirically sound way of measuring the salience of objects by means of surveys exists.goal Given this background, this doctoral work has three goals:1. To achieve a sound way of measuring salience and its subdimensions, i.e. visibility in advance, cognitive salience, prototypicality, structural salience, and visual salience based on taking dimensions revealed in earlier studies systematically and simultaneously into account.2. To find subgroups of visual features among the large number of visual attributes known from the literature.3. To find the most important subdimensions of salience by means of estimating two different structural equation models. Model I is based on assumptions of independence among subdimensions, whereas model II reflects hypotheses of mediation.Taken as a whole, achieving these goals will foster both, the advancement of theories of salience and landmark acquisition methods.methodology A large scale, in-situ experiment was implemented, trying to overcome weaknesses of earlier attempts made to estimate salience. An vii appropriate sample size of buildings and non-buildings was calculated a priori (n obj = 360). Objects were randomly selected based on their geographical coordinates and randomly grouped into n r = 55 routes. Participants were required to rate objects by means of a survey. The questions were derived from empirical evidence found in earlier studies. Each route was walked by two different participants (n = 112), id est (i.e.) two ratings per object were collected for data analysis.findings Model I and model II were analyzed using PLS Path Modeling and consistent PLS Path Modeling, respectively. The measurement models proposed showed a good fit, although some weaknesses were identified for prototypicality and cognitive salience. Geometrical aspects as well as features like (visual) age turned out to have a stronger impact on visual salience than color. Model I did not yield reasonable struct...