and CARLO UMILTAUniversity 0/Parma, Parma, Italy Models to explain same-different RT disparity have variously emphasized encoding or comparison processes. Of the latter, a dual-process holistic-analytic model that bears a similarity to a putative distinction between hemispheric processes has been proposed. Here two experiments test the models by employing simultaneous and successive matching whilevarying letter similarity, symmetry, and visual field of presentation. Same-different disparity is found regardless of delay, although it can be eliminated with appropriate similarity and symmetry manipulations. While visual field interacts with the same-different factor, it fails to do so in a manner consistent with the proposed hemispheric dichotomy. These and other results argue against encoding models of letter matching, and support a revised visual comparison model that incorporates dual processing and response criterion elements. However, the role of lateralized processes remains unclear.578