The OpenVX standard has appeared as an answer from the computer vision community to the challenge of accelerating vision applications on embedded heterogeneous platforms. It is designed to leverage the computer vision hardware potential with functional and performance portability. As long as VIPE has a powerful model of computation, it can incorporate various other models. This allows to extend facilities of a language or framework that is based on the model to be incorporated with visual programming support and provide access to the existing performance analysis and deployment tools. The authors present OpenVX integration into the VIPE IDE. VIPE addresses the need to design OpenVX graphs in a natural visual form with automatic generation of a full-fledged program, shielding a programmer from writing a bunch of boilerplate code. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first use of a graphical notation for OpenVX programming. Using VIPE to develop OpenVX programs also enables the performance analysis tools.