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AbstractLearning from visual representations is enhanced when learners appropriately integrate corresponding visual and verbal information. This study examined the effects of two methods of promoting integration, color coding and labeling, on learning about probabilistic reasoning from a table and text. Undergraduate students (N = 98) were randomly assigned to learn about probabilistic reasoning from one of 4 computer-based lessons generated from a 2 (color coding/no color coding) by 2 (labeling/no labeling) between-subjects design. Learners added the labels or color coding at their own pace by clicking buttons in a computer-based lesson.Participants' eye movements were recorded while viewing the lesson. Labeling was beneficial for learning, but color coding was not. In addition, labeling, but not color coding, increased attention to important information in the Many people struggle with probabilistic reasoning, especially when calculating posterior probability (Evans, Handley, Perham, Over & Thompson, 2000;Kahneman & Tversky, 1973;Stanovich & West, 1998). Posterior probability judgments require the evaluation of a hypothesis after being presented with relevant data. Such calculations can be used, for example, to judge the probability that a person who tested positive for a disease, actually has the disease. In order to make a correct judgment about this problem, people have to consider three pieces of information:(a) the true positive rate: the probability of the test giving a positive result when the person actually has the disease; (b) the false positive rate: the probability of the test giving a positive result when the person does not have the disease; and (c) the base rate/prevalence: the probability that a randomly chosen person from the population has the disease. People often fail to integrate these three pieces of information appropriately, and, thus, they often generate incorrect responses. Because of the complexity of probabilistic reasoning, teaching probabilistic reasoning is also quite challenging (Garfield & Ben-Zvi, 2008). Given the ubiquity of test results in modern society, it is important to understand this type of probabilistic reasoning (Hoffrage, Kurzenhäuser, & Gigerenzer, 2005;Kurzenhäuser & Hertwig, 2006) and to develop effective ways to instruct people about it.Visual representations,...