raumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. It is associated with long-term neurolophysiological symptoms even in mild form. The effects of TBI are not only restricted to cognitivite and physical problems, but also a high rate of vision problems occur. 1 A wide range of visual complaints might follow TBI. Moreover, up to 97% of TBI patients have visual problems including photophobia, double vision, blurred vision and, loss of vision and visual processing. 2 Plasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections during development and after injury or disease. This process starts as soon as one hour following diminished input to a portion of the somatomotor cortex and may take weeks or years to complete. Recent research has also shown that visual therapy can evoke cortical activity changes in the brain. 3 Although a number of comparative studies have