Landscape constantly changes because of human activity and this alternation is not always positive. The landscape loses its identity, variety, and scenic beauty -the main values of landscape [5].Objects of alternative energy have miscellaneous impact on visual environment [4]. Of all the alternative energy facilities, wind turbines are notable for their visual parameters. The height of towers of wind turbines that are currently under construction is 80 m -120 m, and the total height is 120 m -160 m. Thus wind turbines become dominant verticals in the landscape. Wind turbines can be seen up to 20 km -25 km under ideal weather conditions. When locating such objects in a landscape, it is very important to assess their visual impact on the objects of cultural heritage, recreational zones, protected areas and other visually sensitive objects, and when constructing wind turbines, a special attention has to be paid to the visual impact assessment. Wind turbine often visually influences several visual types of landscape [2]. Visual impact of wind farms is even more significant. Therefore, in order to assess the visual impact properly, it is necessary to determine the area of the landscape which is under visual impact, i.e. it is important to determine the size of visual influence zone and the character of visual impact of wind turbine/ farm in the particular zone.Visual impact of wind turbines depends on many factors: wind turbine size, its color, form, observation distance, landscape richness, time of the day, and other factors [6]. Their visual contrast with rural landscape can be evaluated positively as well, e.g. the transitioning of tower whiteness into the greenness can visually be in harmony with green agricultural surroundings.Visual impact of wind farms located in the regions of Silute and Silale is analyzed in the paper. The main aim of the paper is after comparison of the theoretical sizes of visual influence zones and the degrees of visual significance with the results of empirical research, to identify possible ways of elaboration of methodology of visual impact assessment establishing visual influence zones. The main results of the research include established major factors of visual impact of wind farms, sizes of zones of visual influence and character of visual impact in different zones of visual influence.
Identification of Visual Influence Zones of Wind Farms in LithuaniaJonas Abromas, Jūratė Kamičaitytė-Virbašienė, Kaunas University of Technology i. methodsAfter visual impact zones of wind turbines in different countries have been analyzed and the situation in Lithuania taken into consideration, the table of hypothetical degrees of wind turbine visual impact has been created.To determine the precision of visual impact degrees, the survey in situ has been conducted, the results of which have later been compared with the theoretical-hypothetical visual impact degrees (a comparative analysis has been done).The object of the survey is three wind farms located in the West of Lithuania in the regions of Sil...