The effect of music on people has been known for years and is still being researched from different aspects. The effects of music and sound waves on ornamental plants, whose effects on some vegetables, fruits and grains are examined, are also inquired. Especially the positive change in the development and showiness of the flowers of ornamental plant species with commercial importance will increase the market value of the plant. Again, with the effect of this sound wave, in order for the plants and their flowers to show the expected development, they should benefit from the planting environment and growing conditions at the maximum level. In the measurements taken from hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) at the end of the duration that the plants were exposed to different types of sounds in different intensities, it was observed that these factors positively affected these parameters successively; 1 hour of bird sound in 50 dB, the number of leaves; 1 hour of bird sound in 90 dB, leaf width and floret length; 3 hours of bird sound in 70 dB, floret number; 3 hours of bird sound in 90 dB, the plant and flower height; 1 hour of bee sound in 50 dB, the stem thickness; 3 hours of vehicle sound in 50 dB, flower and floret width; 3 hours of vehicle sound in 70 dB, leaf length. At the end of the study, whereas it was determined that the bee sound had the least effect on the growth and flowering of the hyacinth, it was observed that the bird and vehicle sounds, that the plants were expose to in different intensities and durations, had a positive effect.