Szdnzmnry.-SO severely retarded Ss were programed for daily visual perceptual training using Frostig-Horne materials. The E group evidenced significant test-retest gains as compared to age-and IQ-marched controls who received a standard classroom program.The literature reflects a growing awareness of the important role played by visual perception in the academic progress, emotional adjustment and performance on standardized tests of intelligence by both the normal and neurologically impaired child. Allen; Haupt, and Jones (1965) report a high positive correlation between perceptual quotient as measured by the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (Marlow, Frostig, Lefever, & Whittlesey, 1964) and IQ scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children for a group of educable retardates. In an applied study, Allen, Dickman, and Haupt (1966) report immediate discernible improvement in three testable visual areas following brief perceptual training of educable retardates using the Frostig-Horne (1964) program.The purpose of this smdy was to consider the applications of visual perceptual training to lower ability level retardates. There is little in the literamre concerned with a similar application.Method.-Ss were 100 severely and profoundly retarded students at the Boulder River School and Hospital. IQ range was from 17 to 48 and CA range from 84 to 220 rno. Table 1 presents mean IQ and age characteristics. TABLE 1 GROUP MEANS AND SDS ON AGE A N D IQ Variable Group E ( n = 50) Group C ( n = 50)