Abstract. Program developmenta nd resource managementa re critical issues in large-scaled parallel applications and they raise diffi culties for the programmers. Automation tools can benefit the programmer by reducing the time and work required for programming, deploying, and managing parallel applications. In our previous work, we have developed avisual tool, VisualGOP,tohelp visual construction and automatic mapping of parallel programs to execute on the ClusterGOP platform, which provides ag raph-oriented model and the environmentf or running the parallel applications on clusters. In VisualGOP,t he programmer needs to manually build the task interaction graph. This maylead to scalability problem for large applications. In this paper, we propose ag raph scaling approacht hat helps the programmer to develop and deployal arge-scale parallel application minimizing the e ff ort of graph construction, task binding and program deployment. The graph scaling algorithms expand or reduce at ask graph to matcht he specified scale of the program and the hardware architecture, e.g., the problem size, the number of processors and interconnection topology,s oa st op roduce an automatic mapping. An example is used to illustrate the proposed approacha nd how programmer benefits in the automation tools.
1I ntroductionProgramming with parallel applications is ad i ffi cult task involving programming details, processors information and network configurations. Am ethodt o simplify parallel program developmenti st oa bstract and representt he parallel programming structure by logical graphs.Task graph is ag raphical representation of ap arallel program. It describes the logical structure of the program in whicht he nodes representt he computational tasks and the edges denote the communication links and precedence relationships among the nodes. Varieties of task graph have been proposed. Directed acyclic graph (DAG) [ 1,2] and task interaction graph (TIG) [3,4]