Optical imaging was used to map patterns of visually evoked activation in the second (V2) and third (V3) visual areas of owl monkeys. Modular patterns of activation were produced in response to stimulation with oriented gratings, binocular versus monocular stimulation, and stimuli containing wide-field luminance changes. In V2, luminance-change domains tended to lie between domains selective for orientation. Regions preferentially activated by binocular stimulation co-registered with orientation-selective domains. Co-alignment of images with cytochrome oxidase (CO)-processed sections revealed functional correlates of 2 types of CO-dense regions in V2. Orientation-responsive domains and binocular domains were correlated with the locations of CO-thick stripes, and luminance-change domains were correlated with the locations of CO-thin stripes. In V3, orientation preference, luminance-change, and binocular preference domains were observed, but were more irregularly arranged than those in V2. Our data suggest that in owl monkey V2, consistent with that in macaque monkeys, modules for processing contours and binocularity exist in one type of compartment and that modules related to processing-surface features exist within a separate type of compartment.