Preface SummaryAn increasing number of system development projects are concerned with distributed and concurrent systems. There are numerous examples, ranging from large scale systems, in the areas of telecommunication and applications based on WWW technology, to medium or small scale systems, in the area of embedded systems. A typical distributed or concurrent system consists of a number of independent but communicating processes. This means that the execution of such systems may proceed in many different ways, e.g., depending on whether messages are lost, the speed of the processes involved, and the time at which input is received from the environment. As a result, distributed and concurrent systems are, by nature, complex and difficult to design and test. This has motivated the development of methods which support computer-aided analysis, validation, and verification of the behaviour of concurrent and distributed systems.State space methods are some of the most prominent approaches in this field. The basic idea underlying state spaces is (in its simplest form) to compute all reachable states and state changes of the system, and represent these as a directed graph. The virtue of a constructed state space is that it makes it possible to algorithmically reason about the behaviour of a system, e.g., verify that the system possesses certain desired properties or locate errors in the system. The main disadvantage of using state spaces is the state explosion problem: even relatively small descriptions/systems may have an astronomically or even infinite number of reachable states, and it is a serious limitation on the use of state space methods in the analysis of real-life systems. The development of reduction methods to alleviate this inherent complexity problem is, therefore, a central topic in the development of state space methods. Reduction methods avoid representing the entire state space of the system or represent the state space in a compact form. The reduction is done in such a way that properties of the system can still be derived from the reduced state space.In this thesis we study state space methods in the framework of Coloured Petri Nets which is a graphical language for modelling and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems. The thesis consists of two parts. Part I is the mandatory overview paper which summarises the work which has been done. Part II is composed of five individual papers and constitutes the core of this thesis. Four of the these papers have been published elsewhere as conference papers, journal papers, or book chapters. The fifth paper is submitted to an international conference. v vi The overview paper introduces the research field of state space methods for Coloured Petri Nets and summarises the contents and contributions of the five individual papers. A substantial part of the overview paper has also been devoted to putting the results presented in the five individual papers in a broader perspective in the form of a discussion of related work.The first paper considers state sp...