This research explored different types of two-phase flow patterns that influenced heat transfer rate by assessing rectangular two-phase closed thermosyphon (RTPCT) made from glass with the sides of equal length of 25.2 mm, aspect ratio 5 and 20, evaporation temperature of 50, 70, and 90 • C, working substance addition rate of 50% by volume of evaporator, and water inlet temperature at condensation of 20 • C. Upon testing with aspect ratios 5, three flow patterns emerged which were: bubble flow, slug flow and churn flow respectively. As per the aspect ratio 20, four flow patterns were discovered which were: bubble flow, slug flow, churn flow and annular flow, respectively. Aspect ratio 5 pertains characteristic which resulted in a shorter evaporation rate of the RTPCT than that of the aspect ratio 20, thus, a shorter flow distance from the evaporator section to heat releaser was observed. Therefore, flow patterns at aspect ratio 5 exhibited a faster flow velocity than that of the aspect ratio 20. Furthermore, changes of flow pattern to the one that is important for heat transfer rate can be easily achieved. Churn flow was the most important type of the flow for