This study aims to develop a didactic design using engklek games to teach the concept of fractions in elementary schools. This study combines a cultural approach (ethno), namely engklek games with mathematics in the concept of fractions. This study used didactical design research, with 2 research subjects, namely 20 students in grade 5 for learning obstacles as the basis for making didactic designs, and 50 students in grade 4 to determine the impact of implementing didactic designs. Data collection techniques used are tests, interviews, and observation. The data analysis technique uses a qualitative method to see learning obstacles in students and a quantitative method (descriptive and inferential statistics) to determine the impact of didactic design implementation. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney test that the sig. is 0.000, meaning that there is a difference in students' mean scores on the concept of fractions before and after the implementation of the didactic design, this indicates that there is a positive influence on students getting the implementation of the didactic design using the engklek game on the concept of fractions in elementary schools. This research contributes to education in an effort to create effective and meaningful learning by involving real contexts in real life through elements of culture (ethno).
Keywords: ethnomathematics; engklek games; didactic design; fraction concept.