We show that the switchable mirror material YH x can be used both as an indicator to monitor and as an agent to control hydrogen diffusion in thin films. The applicability of the optical-indicator technique is demonstrated for VH x thin films. The diffusion coefficient is typically 10 Ϫ5 cm 2 /s at concentrations around 0.7 H/V at temperatures between 373 and 473 K. Deposition of a layer of Y on V makes it also possible to tune the effective hydrogen mobility via the V/Y thickness ratio. This can be used for investigation of hydrogen diffusion waves in laterally structured objects. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.020101 PACS number͑s͒: 66.30.Ϫh, 68.55.Ln, 68.37.Ϫd, 68.60.Ϫp One of the striking properties of hydrogen in metals is its large mobility. Already at room temperature the H diffusion coefficient can be as high as 10 Ϫ5 cm 2 /s, i.e., a value almost comparable to diffusion in liquids. A review of experimental data and techiques used so far to measure hydrogen diffusivity in bulk samples is given by Alefeld and Völkl. 1 Most of these methods are not applicable to thin films as they are either hampered by the influence of the substrate ͑e.g., in Gorsky effect͒ or by the rather small volume of the film ͑e.g. in quasielastic neutron scattering͒. Consequently, relatively little is known about hydrogen diffusion in thin metallic films and multilayers. The understanding and manipulation of hydrogen transport through films is, however, important for the control and optimization of coatings and thin-film devices such as hydrogen detectors, 2,3 metal-hydride switchable mirrors 4,5 or tunable magnetical elements. 6,7 Recently den Broeder et al. 8 presented an optical method to monitor the lateral migration of hydrogen in Y, exploiting the intrinsic concentration dependent optical properties of the Y-H system. 9 Especially the progression of the boundaries separating the various stable hydride phases can easily be detected as discontinuities in the optical contrast.The main purpose of this communication is to demonstrate that visualization of H diffusion is also possible for hydrogen in opaque transition-metal films. More specifically ͑i͒ we demonstrate the feasibility to use a thin layer of Y as an optical indicator to visualize the lateral H migration in thin films of vanadium, ͑ii͒ we show that the mobility of the phase boundaries in a composite film ͑e.g., V/Y͒ can be tuned through the sample/indicator thickness ratio, and ͑iii͒ we determine quantitatively the H-diffusion coefficient in a vanadium film by means of our optical indicator method.The samples are prepared by means of e-gun evaporation in an ultrahigh vacuum system ͑background pressure Ͻ10 Ϫ9 mbar). A typical sample consists of a V stripe of length Lϭ10 mm, width bϭ1 mm, and thickness 25 nm Ͻd S Ͻ250 nm. Usually 11 stripes of various thickness d S are deposited onto one, polished amorphous quartz substrate. The V stripes are covered with a thin layer of yttrium as an optical indicator for hydrogen diffusion. Indicator thicknesses 10 nm Ͻd I Ͻ50 nm are exa...