Figure 1: Visualization object embedded in Java-based Whiteboard of CSCW system.
AbstractGraphical representation of complex data sets is an important method for supporting scientific collaboration. Following this idea, we developed a novel Web3D-based visualization framework that supports synchronous as well as asynchronous cooperation, even of spatially separated scientist. Our openVisaar framework is based on open-source technology and combines innovative techniques from the area of computer-generated visualization with modern achievements of CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work). Therefore, we extended OpenSG with the functionality for supporting cooperative and remote features. OpenSG is a portable scene graph system to create real-time graphics applications. openVisaar is designed to accompany state-of-the-art CSCW systems in the collaboration process by embedding the visualization features into the cooperation environment. For this purpose openVisaar provides a rich set of interfaces. By combining both worlds -visualization and CSCW -users of our system get an up-to-date all-in-one solution for collaborating with real world data.