Maintaining synaptic communication is required to preserve nervous system function as an organism ages. While much work has been accomplished to understand synapse formation and development, we understand relatively little regarding maintaining synaptic integrity throughout aging. To better understand the mechanisms responsible for maintaining synaptic structure and function, we performed an unbiased forward genetic screen to identify genes required for synapse maintenance of adult Drosophila neuromuscular junctions. Using flight behavior as a screening tool, we evaluated flight ability in 198 lines from the Drosophila Genetics Reference Panel to identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with a progressive loss of flight ability with age. Among the many candidate genes identified from this screen, we focus here on ten genes with clear human homologs harboring SNPs that are the most highly associated with synaptic maintenance. Functional validation of these genes using mutant alleles revealed a progressive loss of synaptic structural integrity. Tissue-specific knockdown of these genes using RNA interference (RNAi) uncovered important roles for these genes in either presynaptic motor neurons, postsynaptic muscles, or associated glial cells, highlighting the importance of each component of tripartite synapses. These results offer greater insight into the mechanisms responsible for maintaining structural and functional integrity of synapses with age.