When developing large applications, integrators face the problem of integrating changes between branches or forks. While version control systems provide support for merging changes, this support is mostly text-based, and does not take the program entities into account. Furthermore, there exists no support for assessing which other changes a particular change depends on have to be integrated. Consequently, integrators are left to perform a manual and tedious comparison of the changes within the sequence of their branch and to successfully integrate them.In this paper, we present an approach that analyzes changes within a sequence of changes (stream of changes): such analysis identifies and characterizes dependencies between the changes. The approach identifies changes as autonomous, only used by others, only using other changes, or both. Such a characterization aims at easing the integrator's work. In addition, the approach supports important queries that an integrator otherwise has to perform manually. We applied the approach to a stream of changes representing 5 years of development work on an opensource project and report our experiences.