The experiments of Dann (1932) and others indicated that in man, rat, cattle and other species, vitamin A under ordinary dietary conditions is not readily transferred from the mother to the foetus. Underwood & Curnow (1943) and Barcroft & Eden (unpublished) have shown that this conclusion also applies to the sheep, the concentrations of vitamin A in the blood and the liver of the foetuses always being much lower than those found in the ewe.Dann ( 2m3600 i.u./roo ml. at parturition. These high values were found to fall during the following few days, until the values for milk were reached which were about one-tenth of the figures given above.Until recently no thorough investigation had been made of the vitamin A status of newborn lambs. The present work was therefore carried out in order to find the levels of vitamin A present in the lamb shortly after birth, and the effect of the ingestion of colostrum during the first few days of life. The results obtained have been in good general agreement with those of Peirce (1947) in Australia, published since this work was concluded.
EXPERIMENTALThe estimation of witamin A Serum (2 ml.) was extracted according to the method of Yudkin ( I~I ) , which consists in precipitating the proteins with alcohol and then extracting with light petroleum. Colostrum was extracted by a modification of the method of Olson, Hegsted & Peterson (1939). The early samples of colostrum were diluted with water so as to reduce their viscosity. Samples of 1-5 ml. were made up to 5 ml. with water in a small graduated separating funnel and were shaken with 0.5 ml. of concentrated ammonium hydroxide and then with 5 ml. of ethanol. For the exection of fats 7-5 ml. of ether were added, the funnel was shaken for about 30 sec., 2-5 ml. of light petroleum were then added and the funnel 'was shaken again. The ethereal layer was siphoned off into another separating funnel, and the extraction was repeated three times with the same quantities of ether and light petroleum. The combined extracts were allowed to stand for any particles to settle out and were washed three times with 10, 30 and 30 ml. of water, respectively. The water was drawn off and the extract again allowed to stand for a further 30min. The extract was dried by filtering through anhydrous sodium