Male, 21 years old, admitted with nausea, fatigue, appetite loss, headache and hypertension. Blood tests showed Cr: 3.9 mg% U: 100 mg% and Total Calcium 14 mg/dl. Ultrasonography and renal biopsy were consistent with nephrocalcinosis. There has been gradual improvement in renal function and calcium levels after vigorous hydration and furosemide. However, after 1 year, renal calcium deposits persist, corticomedullary ratio reduced in ultrasound and stable creatinine of 1.4 mg/dl. Previous cases showed acute tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis with little calcium deposits in the renal interstitium. In this case we found severe nephrocalcinosis associated with nephrosclerosis. Our objective is to report the occurrence of acute kidney Injury with nephrocalcinosis associated with use of anabolic steroid and provide a review of the matter.