“…α-Tocotrienol provided the most potent neuroprotection among all vitamin E analogs. Reported effects of tocotrienol independent of antioxidant property (Sen et al, 2000(Sen et al, ) 2002 Rat; Oral tocotrienol crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach brain tissue; more so for fetal brain while pregnant mother is supplemented with tocotrienol (Roy et al, ) 2003 Mouse; At nM concentrations α-tocotrienol, in contrast with α-tocopherol, protects against glutamate-induced neuronal death by suppressing inducible 12-lipoxygenase activation (Khanna et al, 2003(Khanna et al, ) 2003 Mouse; Injected α-tocotrienol decreased the size of the cerebral infarcts 1 day after stroke; γ-tocotrienol and delta-tocotrienol did not protect (Mishima et al, 2003(Mishima et al, ) 2003 Human; Tocotrienols induced IKBKAP expression: a possible therapy for familial dysautonomia (Anderson et al, 2003(Anderson et al, ) 2004 Rat; α-Tocotrienol provided the most potent neuroprotection among vitamin E analogs on cultured striatal neurons (Osakada et al, 2004) Hypocholesterolemic 1986 Chicken; Three double bonds in the isoprenoid chain essential for the inhibition of cholesterogenesis; tocopherols do not share this property (Qureshi et al, 1986(Qureshi et al, ) 1991 Human; Lowered serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemics (Qureshi et al, 1991b); lowered both serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (Tan et al, 1991) Pigs; Reduced plasma cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, thromboxane B2, and platelet factor 4 in pigs with inherited hyperlipidemias (Qureshi et al, 1991a(Qureshi et al, ) 1992 In vitro; Post-transcriptional suppression of HMG-CoA reductase by a process distinct from other known inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis (Pearce et al, 1992(Pearce et al, ) 1993 Regulate cholesterol production in mammalian cells by post-transcriptional suppression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (Parker et al, 1993(Parker et al, ) 1994 HepG2; The farnesyl side chain and the methyl/hydroxy substitution pattern of gammatocotrienol responsible for HMG CoA reductase suppression (Pearce et al, 1994(Pearce et al, ) 1995 isoprenoid-mediated suppression of mevalonate synthesis depletes tumor tissues of two intermediate products, farnesyl pyrophosphate and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, which are incorporated post-translationally into growth control-associated proteins Human; Lowered plasma cholesterol level in hypercholesterolemic subjects …”