The chemical and physical characteristics and vitamin potency of thirty-nine fishThe E. L. Patch Company, Boston, Mass. liver and fish body oils have been determined. The chemical and physical charac-G. HOWARD SATTERFIELD teristics were tested by methods i n the U. S. Pharmacopoeia XI. The vitamin A potency was determined by the Hilger spectrophotometric, the Carr-Price colorimetric, or the U. S. P. XI biological assay method.The vitamin potency of the swordfish liver oils increased with increase in the amount of unsaponifiable material, but the relation was not entirely consistent. The vitamin A potency of the mackerel liver oils also tended to increase with increase in the amount of unsaponifiable material but the relation was not consistent.Of the other oils there seemed to be no consistent relation between any of the chemical or physical characteristics and their vitamin potency. Thus, i t is extremely difficult if not impossible to gain information concerning the vitamin potency of a fish liver or body oil by the determination of its chemical and physical characteristics.