It is all good to say, that the world is one! Are these idealistic/poetic ideas or could there be psychological pathways to experience oneness as a continuous realisation? This is not a question of philosophy or intellectual argumentation, but a question of living and being. There has been now interest in non-dual awareness in research as well ( Josipovic, 2014 ). The objective of this article is to introduce a radical worldview—advaita vedānta that leads to profound cognitive, affective and behavioural implications of well-being beyond the surface level ideas of happiness. Advaita—which means ‘not-two’ is the most profound and radical of psychological theories Indic civilization has experienced and accepted as the epitome—the crown jewel. The Vedāntic worldview and practice with the background throb of all Indic values—of inclusion, love and truth vests in Advaita—oneness. In popular imagination, it has been both esoteric-cised and yet has remained un-commodified. Contrary to popular ideas that look at advaita as a speculative philosophy, advaita is understood as a rich psychological theory with a basis in cognition, knowing, as well as a living in oneness. The students of modern psychology, especially, in India are left poorer, if they are unable to review advaita and yet study consciousness, which is a booming area of research in modern psychology. Advaita is a continuous living realisation—termed as Jīvanmukti, the Vedāntic ideal of being free, while living. Examining the primary Saṃskrit text—Jīvanmukti-viveka, I describe Jīvanmukti—of living in continuous realisation of oneness, till the body drops down, as stated by the great muni, whose above-mentioned abhyāsa grantha—the application manual, is used across Hindu spiritual frameworks and monastic orders, till today.