This article proposes to look at how the current theories of world literature could be transformed if we looked at the space of world literature from the perspective of marginalized European literatures, such as Basque and Catalan. Departing from the analysis of Obabakoak (1988) by Bernardo Atxaga and Històries de la mà esquerra (‘Stories of the Left Hand’, 1981) by Jesús Moncada, the article elaborates a theory of world literature based on the idea of margin – that is, on recognizing the Otherness of what we want to see as our own – and contrasts it with theories of world literature by scholars such as Casanova, Damrosch and Glissant. This leads to the construction of a model of world literature in which the centre is empty, and which, among other consequences, is a way to break from Eurocentrism. This perception of world literature makes it possible to reflect on the idea of freedom of literature, discussed in relation to Hannah Arendt’s thought.