The «Proryv» project implies developing advanced nuclear technologies for next generation large-scale nuclear power based on fast neutron reactors (FRs) operating in a closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC). All components of the closed NFC must be in agreement with the requirements for the product characteristics and optimized in accordance with the different stages of the fuel cycle. Different variants of the closed nuclear fuel cycle are being looked into with different types of FRs, fuel, and fuel cycle facility arrangement options (centralized or on-site). Many processes and technical solutions, which are being used to develop the fuel recycling technology, have never been applied on a commercial or laboratory scale. Successfully implementing this technology implies developing a system of codes within the «Proryv» project, which would allow researchers to model various closed NFC options using a hierarchical approach. Dedicated computer software is used for optimizing particular closed NFC modules (the reactor, fuel fabrication and reprocessing modules). Optimization criteria are selected based on the requirements for characteristics of the products (in relation to quality or production time), which are in turn obtained from calculating the system as a whole. The functional possibility of conducting correlated calculations for FR cores and back-end nuclear fuel cycle processes was developed, which enabled researchers to factor in the effect of variable reactor core arrangement, startup fuel characteristics, equilibrium state attainment strategies and SNF composition on technology components and closed nuclear fuel cycle management.