The issue of optimising the initial stand density (ISD) of tree plantations has high practical importance. The objective of this study was to nondestructively evaluate the influence of the initial stand density of Scots pine plantations located in the European part of the Russian Federation on wood basic density (BD), moisture content (MC), ultrasound velocity (UV), latewood content, and drilling resistance (DR). 45-year-old trees with stand densities of 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, and 10000 trees/ha were tested by a 5-cm-long core sample for gravimetric MCGM and BD, by PULSAR-2.2 for UV along the height (UVH) and through the tree trunk diameter (UVD), by the IML-RESI PD-400 tool for DR, and by GANN HT 85T for MC based on the electrical resistance method (MCERM). A significant influence of ISD was found on DBH, UVD, MCGM, and MCERM. ISD had no significant impact on BD, UVH, and DR. The wood BD ranged from 356 to 578 kg/m-3, with a mean value of 434±3.3 kg/m-3, and was restricted by the soil and environmental factors. DBH and 70% MCERM were good indicators of tree vitality. Linear correlations between DBH and MCERM (R2=0.67), DBH and MCGM (R2=0.74), DR and BD (R2=0.71), and the two-factor model MCGM=f(DBH, BD), (R2=0.76) were found.