“…An example of DDES around a supercritical wing using NSMB can be found in the AIAA paper by Grossi et al 79 , in the context of the European research program ATAAC, Advanced Turbulence simulations for aerodynamic application challenges, http://cfd.mace.manchester.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/ATAAC/WebHome. A considerable improvement of the detached eddy simulation has been accomplished within NSMB by implementing the OES modelling in the URANS part of the DES and DDES in case of fixed and moving bodies including fluid-structure interaction 7,80 . The DDES-OES modelling has been coupled with the ALE -Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method 81 accounting for mesh movement and deformation during the fluid-structure interaction process for moving/deforming configurations.…”