Palavras-chave: bioacústica, biologia reprodutiva, comunicação em anuros, comportamento de corte.In most anuran reproductive behavior, the males are vocally active and females approach the males they have selected in silence (Wells 2007). However, in some species, females may call at low intensities in close-range interactions with males (Márquez and Verrel 1991, Schlaepfer and Figeroa-Sandí 1998, Forti et al. 2017a). Females may vocalize during courtship to signal acceptance, reveal their location to the male, and accelerate the encounter (Cui et al. 2010, Toledo et al. 2014, Preininger et al. 2016. Observations of reproductive behavior remain scarce for many anurans, and recordings of female calls are rare, even in well-known species (Preininger et al. 2016).