The purpose of this study was to investigate the construct validity of the Cognitive Vocational Maturity Test (CVMT; Westbrook, 1970; Westbrook & Parry-Hill, 1973a; Westbrook & Parry-Hill, 1973b). Eleventh-grade students and 12th-grade students were administered the CVMT-Duties subtest, the Self-Knowledge scale, and the Career Choice Questionnaire (CCQ). Teachers rated 11th-grade students' career choices in terms of appropriateness. Sample B students were retested in Grade 12 with the CVMT—Duties subtest and the Self- Knowledge scale. Scores on the CVMT correlated significantly with teacher evaluations of students' career choices, self-reported grade- point-averages, and education level planned, but not with self- report measures such as the Self-Knowledge scale and amount of thinking about one's career choice. The data provide support for the convergent and discriminant validity of the CVMT—Duties subtest.