“…The most cogent summary concerning rehabilitation in ESRD appears as the title of an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (Rennie, 1981): "Renal rehabilitation -Where are the data?" Although several articles have appeared (Calsyn, Sherrard, Hyerstay & Freeman, 1981;Gutman, Stead & Robinson, 1981;Kutner & Cardenas, 1981;Rosenbaum, Atcherson & Corry, 1981;Tews, Schreiber, Huber, Zelt & Ritz, 1980), it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. The Gutman et al (1981) article is perhaps the best and consists of a survey of 2,482 ESRD patients at 18 centers in the U.S.A.; but, as the authors point out, their sampling was biased, the method of assessment probably varied among centers, their survey instruments were not validated, and the data were collected through social workers' ratings as opposed to patient report.…”