Cascade irradiation of metals gives rise to swelling as a result of the creation of voids and the evolution of the void ensemble. Under suitable circumstances, the originally disordered void distribution transforms into to a void lattice. As demonstrated previously, the understanding of the evolution and the unique features of the void ensemble requires a difference in the anisotropy of the diffusion (DAD) of vacancies and self-interstitial atoms (SIAs), which is achieved by one-dimensional diffusion of the SIAs. On the other hand, void swelling has been successfully modeled in terms of three-dimensional diffusion of both vacancies and SIAs. In the present paper it is shown that these seemingly contradicting interpretations and all related observations can be quantitatively reconciled by a small DAD created by only ∼1% of SIAs diffusing one-dimensionally. It is also demonstrated that at the initial stage of void-lattice formation, ordering occurs mainly on close-packed crystal planes, which is in contrast to the naïve expectation that one- A difference between the anisotropies of diffusion of vacancies and self-interstitials (henceforth called Diffusional Anisotropy Difference or, briefly, DAD) gives rise to a bias that plays an important role in the irradiation-induced evolution of microstructures in metals. Based on Gösele's work [1] on reaction kinetics, the DAD effect was first introduced by Woo and Gösele [2] to explain irradiation growth. Later irradiation creep and void-lattice formation were interpreted in terms of DAD by Woo [3] and Woo and Frank [4], respectively, before DAD has been promoted to an important concept in the treatment of irradiation damage in non-cubic metals by Woo [5,6].The role played by DAD in the irradiation-induced transformation of a void ensemble from a randomly distributed collection to a highly ordered void lattice was summarized by Woo and Frank [7]: ". . . the one-dimensional migration of the (interstitial) crowdions. . . is in marked contrast to the three-dimensional diffusion of the dumbbell interstitials and the vacancies. This diffusional anisotropy difference between the crowdions and vacancies provides the source of ordering via a Darwinian selection among randomly distributed voids." Hence, the strength of DAD is important to the behavior of a void ensemble under irradiation, and at the same time, the evolution of the void ensemble reflects the