Flavor volatiles profiles and some functional properties of soy protein products produced by five different extraction methods were studied. A method, consisting of Ethanol Washing and a Hydrothermal cooking Treatment, was proposed to produce a soy protein product (EWHT). Flavor volatiles profiles, emulsifying ability and whiteness of EWHT were improved in comparison with those of Acid Precipitated soy protein product (AP), soy protein product with Oil-Body Associated proteins and Polar Lipids removed (OBA/PL-less), soy protein product obtained from Countercurrent Extraction (CE) and OilBody Associated protein product with Polar Lipids (OBA/ PL). The GC-MS and sensory analysis showed that the flavor volatiles content of EWHT was lower than that of the other soy protein products. The results from high performance size exclusion chromatography and dynamic light scattering showed that proteins with larger molecular weights and larger hydrodynamic radii were contained in EWHT, suggesting that EWHT formed soluble larger protein aggregates with a more flexible structure, thus the solubility of EWHT was similar to that of AP, OBA/PLless and CE. The surface hydrophobicity of EWHT (994.8) was higher than that of the other soy protein products. Therefore the process for preparing EWHT can be an ideal processing method to produce soy protein with good quality relative to flavor and functionality.