Unregulated chlorocarbons, here defined as dichloromethane (CH 2 Cl 2 ), perchloroethene (C 2 Cl 4 ), chloroform (CHCl 3 ), and methyl chloride (CH 3 Cl), are gases not regulated by the Montreal Protocol. While CH 3 Cl is the largest contributor of atmospheric chlorine, recent studies have shown that growth in emissions of the less abundant chlorocarbons could pose a significant threat to the recovery of the ozone layer. Despite this, there remain many regions for which no atmospheric monitoring exists, leaving gaps in our understanding of global emissions. Here, we report on a new time series of chlorocarbon measurements from Cape Point, South Africa for 2017, which represent the first published high-frequency measurements of these gases from Africa. For CH 2 Cl 2 and C 2 Cl 4 , the majority of mole fraction enhancements were observed from the north, consistent with anthropogenically modified air from Cape Town, while for CHCl 3 and CH 3 Cl, we found evidence for both oceanic and terrestrial sources. Using an inverse method, we estimated emissions for south-western South Africa (SWSA). For each chlorocarbon, SWSA accounted for less than 1% of global emissions. For CH 2 Cl 2 and C 2 Cl 4 , we extrapolated using population statistics and found South African emissions of 8.9 (7.4−10.4) Gg yr −1 and 0.80 (0.64−1.04) Gg yr −1 , respectively.