This paper is dedicated to Prof. Raymond U. Lemieux on the occasion of his 60th bir~hday E. VON RUDLOFF. Can. J. Chem. 59,285 (1981). Analysis by an on-line computerized gas chromatographic -mass spectral method of the volatile leaf oils of the North American incense cedar and coast redwood revealed unusual percentage compositions of the major terpenes and presence of unique minor components. The chemosystematic implications are discussed briefly.E. VON RUDLOFF. Can. J. Chem. 59,285 (1981).L'analyse, par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplCe a une spectromttre de masse relit a un ordinateur, des huiles volatiles des feuilles du ckdre aromatique nord amtricain et du sequoiade mer rCvele la presence de pourcentages inhabituels des principaux terpenes ainsi que la presence de constituants secondaires uniques. On discute brikvement des implications chimiosystematiques.[Traduit par le journal]