Variations in shape, metal content, alteration mineralogy, and volcanic host rocks of the ore deposits in the two major volcanic-hosted luassive sulfide (VHMS) districts of eastern Anstralia, the Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics and the Camhro-Ordovician Mount Windsor snbprovince, strongly reflect their volcanic environment, conditions of ore forination. and hvdrothermal alteration orocesses.prol,~l,ly iorn.rJ r t t l~~r ,I. the sed flojr r ,:, Hrllvrr Qltc lli\.er or hy rcpl~crmrnt of pun,~ts volcnnicl~snc IIU,,+, Jirrzdv Irlo\r. thr s,u f.wr T e., H,n.l,cn . The, iounrull ulrrrdi<)n ~cs,ci~rrd unh rhccr nolvmrtrlllc . . \'HhlS Jc~>u\lts u,n\ controllrd I. ! hoit-rock pc;lllc.~l,rl~ty .r~d iroro\tty which arc it1 turn rr!,t+d n) n)lcxn>c Cicirs r\pv deucr 111d ~\ ? . v o I~. t~~i z~~u~r~t r n l nrchitccturc Fucustneof llvurotllrrrnul fluids ihlno synvold&c sGctures has resurted in well-zoned chlorite-sericite footwall aheracon p;pes within footwall l a"; at Hellyer. On the other hand, diffnse fluid flow through veIy thick pninice breccia at RosebeIy and Hercules has resulted in strata-hound, sericite-dominated footwall alteration zones parallel to the paleosea floor and the ore lenses.Massive and disseininated, pyitic Cu-Au deposits, such as those in the Mount Lyell field and at HighwayReward. formed by subsea-floor replacement and are associated with only minor nnc-lead massive sulfide ore. These deposits formed from higher temperature fluids (>30OeC), in which copper transport is enhanced, and are commonly located in felsic volcanic centers do~nh~ated by shallow porphyitic intrusions (e.g., HighwayReward). The Cn-An ore lenses may be strata-bound (e.g., Mount Lyell) or crosscutting pipes (e.g., HighwayReward) depending on the structure and permeability characteristics of the felsic volcanic host rocks. The presence of high-sulfidation alteration minerals (e.g., pyrophyllite, zunyite) in some of the Cu-An deposits (e.g., Mount Lyell field) indicates that fluids were relatively acidic and snggests the possibility of magmatic fluid input into the hydrothemal system. Alteration zonation associated with the Cu-An VHMS deposits is more symmetrical than that of the Zn-rich deposits, with sericite-rich alteration extending into the hanging wall, in keeping with the subsnrface replacement origin of these de osits J . ' Synvolcanic gold-rich deposits, with high gold/base met ratlos are less common than the Cu-Au and Znrich VHMS ore types. The gold-rich ores (e.g., Henty, South Hercules) are strata bonnd in nature, have low sulfide contents, and are associated with central zones of intense silicification, surrounded hy envelopes of sericite-pyite and carbonate alteration. Volcanological and geochemical studies at Hen? indicate the gold-rich ore formed by the replacement of particular volcanic units deposited in a relatively shallow water environment dominated by volcaniclastic facies, lavas, and limestones.This spectrum of Cu-Au, Zn-rich, and Au-only deposits in the Mount Read Volcanics and the Mount ...