[3 }(J,l ') ferrocenophane, [S}(J, J ') ferrocenophane, BSFc (II), were synthesized and their electrochemical behaviour in aqueous sulphuric acid electrolyte investigated. It is found that these compounds, chemisorbed on a gold substrate, undergo reversible oxidation/reduction. The anodic and cathodic peak potentials are found to be independent of the acid concentration in the range
IntroductionThe ferrocene/ferricinium (Fc/Fc +) couple is a well known reference electrode for electrochemical studies [1, 2]. It is based upon the fact that ferrocene undergoes a reversible redox reaction according to Eq 1 which, does not involve H+ ions.Hence the redox potential of the FcfFc+ couple is independent of H+ concentration. However the ferricenium cation is soluble in aqueous solutions and is susceptible to various decomposition reactions. This instability limits the use of FcfFc+ couple in electrochemical sensors and other devices for use in aqueous media. We reported earlier [3] that the solubility and instability of FclFc+ in aqueous media could be overcome by using ferrocene derivatives in which the two cyclopentadienyl rings are bridged by hydrocarbon chains consisting of methylene groups fCH2fn where n=3 or 5. We found that such bridged ferrocenes (BFc), were chemically stable but could not be efficiently retained at the surface of an inert substrate [3]. Thus such ferrocene derivatives were not suitable for making appropriate surface modified electrodes (SME's).With the view to improving the retainability of the BFc at electrode surface, we have considered incorporation of alkanethiol [fCH2fllSH] groups into the bridged ferrocene molecule (BSFc). The sulphur atom in the -SH group of BSFc is expected to have a strong interaction with metals like gold [4]. Hence coating gold with BSFc could be the way to construct a robust SME for use in aqueous media. This paper describes the results of a systematic study of the electrochemistry, and chemical stability of BSFc in concentrated (1-5 M) aqueous H2S04 media. The underlying objective of the work was to investigate whether the BSFcfBSFc+ couple could be used as a SME for monitoring changes in H 2 S04 concentration which in turn could be used for determining state of charge of Lead-acid batteries.
ExperimentalAll solutions were prepared by dissolving commercially available analytical grade chemicals in high purity water obtained from a Millipore Milli-Q system. All the chemicals were used as received. The ferrocene derivatives ( Figure 1) were synthesized in our laboratory by using standard techniques as reported in the literature [5][6][7][8]. A polycrystalline gold electrode (99.99% fine gold; Australian Gold Refineries, Perth.) was used as a substrate. BSFc coated on gold SME's were prepared by adopting a procedUre similar to that reported in the literature [9]. The gold surface was cleaned by polishing with silicon carbide waterproof papers grades 800, 1200, followed by dipping into aqua regia for 1 minute. The cleaned electrode was then potentio...