“…(3) By using the additivity principle <MM+, A") -(M+, X") + (N+, A-) -0v(N+, X"") 1 (13) Lee, 12 for example, estimated that of the free ions Mg2+ and S042~using the additivity principle <MMg2+, so42-) = (MMgcy + 0v(Na2SO4) ™ 2</>v(NaCl) (14) Equation 7 can be used to determine the fraction of• ions paired (1 -a) from <£v(obsd) provided ( +, A") and the volume change for formation of the ion pair can be estimated from solution theory. Millero has used an equation similar to eq 7 to estimate as in NaCl solutions8 and in seawater,® while Wirth and coworkers10'11 have used eq 7 to estimate the a's in R4NBr solutions10 and HS04~i n H2SO4 and NaHSCL solutions.11 Since one mbst estimate both for the ion pair and free ions to calculate (1 -a) or a, the results are not very reliable.…”