Glossary of Symbols a, d Symbols used to represent cations in the notation of Harvie, Moller, and Weare (1984); see alsoX-*?a, Thermodynamic activity of the i-th aqueous solute species. a w b^ Stoichiometric reaction coefficient, the number of moles of the s-th aqueous species appearing in the reaction for toe dissolution of the -th pure mineral; it is negative for reactants and positive for products. b Stoichiometric reaction coefficient, the number of moles of the j-th aqueous species appearing in the reaction for the dissolution of the g-Vti gas species; it is negative for reaclants and positive for products. b A parameter theoretically equivalent to the product SB and appearing in Pitzcr's equations with an fixed value of 1.2. B y Debyc-Huckcl B parameter used in writing expressions for In y,-or log l0 y,. B MX U) Observable second order interaction coefficient for neutral electrolyte MX (M = cation, X = anion); a function of the ionic strength. B' MX 0) The derivative of B MX (/) with respect lo ionic strength. B% lx (I) The comjiouiul function B MX (/) + 1B' MX (/). c, c' Symbols used to represent cations in the notation of Han'ie. Mollcr, and Wcare (1984); sec also A/. M. Q. molar Concentration of the i-th solute species in molarity (moIcs/L). Q. msiL Concentration of the j'-lh solute species in mg/L. Cj. mgikg Concentration of the i-th solute species in mg/kg solution. CJJ "j,i 8 Total dissolved solutes in mg/kg solution. C73. mgiL Tolal dissolved solutes in mg/L. C% lx Third order interaction coefficient for neutral electrolyte MX.