We study the concentration of the norm of a random vector Y uniformly sampled in the centered zero cell of two types of stationary and isotropic random mosaics in R n for large dimensions n. For a stationary and isotropic Poisson-Voronoi mosaic, Y has a radial and log-concave distribution, implying that |Y |/E(|Y | 2 ) 1 2 approaches one for large n. Assuming the cell intensity of the random mosaic scales like e nρn , where lim n→∞ ρ n = ρ, |Y | is on the order of √ n for large n. For the Poisson-Voronoi mosaic, we show that |Y |/ √ n concentrates to e −ρ (2πe) − 1 2 as n increases, and for a stationary and isotropic Poisson hyperplane mosaic, we show there is a range (R ℓ , R u ) such that |Y |/ √ n will be within this range with high probability for large n. The rates of convergence are also computed in both cases.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60D05, 52A22.