Relationship of traffic volume and travel time delay of vehicles passing specific road intersections may be described with a formula analogous to volume-delay functions of uninterrupted road sections [1]. Presumably the number of, and distance between junctions on a road section also has large impact on the shape delay functions besides the intersection layout. Of these two additional aspects the effect of intersection quantity is evident: the more junctions are on a road, the higher is the delay of individual vehicles. The current paper presents a specific method to evaluate traffic flow measurements and determine intersection-specific volume-delay function parameters for different types of homogenous junction-chains on a closed road section.After laying down the principles of function fitting and before switching over to analyse the effect of junction quantity, assessment of the second aspect will be presented. Distance between particular intersections is also an important attribute in the quantization of time delay. When junctions are close, congestion caused by an oversaturated intersection is affecting neighbouring junctions' traffic flow triggering traffic jams remotely or amplifying already existing ones. For the spatial limit of junction interaction the concept of 'affection radius' [2] is utilised in the paper to demonstrate that intersection distance has no effect on the shape of delay function -due to a specific restriction of function fitting.