We present an algorithm for the fully automatic generation of a class-compliant mesh for ship structural analysis. Our algorithm is implemented as an end-to-end solution. It starts from a description of a geometry and produces a class conforming surface mesh as a result. The algorithm consists of two parts, the automatic geometry refinement and the preconditioned Delaunay frontal quad dominant mesh generator. A geometry is described by a dictionary of elements and it contains points, rods, plates, and openings. A dictionary can contain modeling errors such as unintended overlaps or an unintended loss of connectivity between elements. The main contribution of the paper is the automatic geometry refinement algorithm and the virtual stiffener procedure designed to control the local mesh orientation of a marching front meshing algorithm. The geometry refinement algorithm guarantees that the output dictionary will be such that intersections of the boundary edges of plates are guaranteed to be nodes of any mesh generated by tessellating such geometry. The algorithm is implemented in Python, using the open-source Gmsh system together with the Open CASCADE kernel which is used to implement the automatic geometry refinement. We present several benchmark models from an engineering practice to illustrate our claims as well as to benchmark the efficiency of the various stages of the processing pipeline.