Abstract. In this paper, we study the Lagrangian F-stability and Hamiltonian F-stability of Lagrangian self-shrinkers. We prove a characterization theorem for the Hamiltonian F-stability of n-dimensional complete Lagrangian self-shrinkers without boundary, with polynomial volume growth and with the second fundamental form satisfying the condition that there exist constants C0 > 0 and ε < 1 16n such that |A| 2 ≤ C0 +ε|x| 2 . We characterize the Hamiltonian F-stablity by the eigenvalues and eigenspaces of the drifted Laplacian.Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 53C44 (primary), 53C21 (secondary).
IntroductionAn n-dimensional submanifold Σ n of R n+p is called a self-shrinker if it is the time t = −1 slice of a self-shrinking mean curvature flow that disappears at (0, 0), i.e. of a mean curvature flow satisfying Σ t = √ −tΣ −1 . We can also consider a self-shrinker as a submanifold that satisfiesSelf-shrinkers are very important singularities of the mean curvature flow. According to the blow up rate of the second fundamental form, Huisken [11] classified the singularities of mean curvature flows into two types: Type I and Type II. In 1984, Huisken [10] showed that, if the initial hypersurface in R n+1 is strictly convex, then along the mean curvature flow, the surface will be strictly convex at each time, and the mean curvature flow will contract to a point at a finite time T . Moreover, the normalized mean curvature flow will converge to a round sphere. In 1990, Huisken [11] proved that any Type I singularity of the mean curvature flow must be a self-shrinker by using the monotonicity formula. He also proved that the only compact self-shrinkers with nonnegative mean curvature are spheres.In [6], Colding-Minicozzi introduced the concept of F-stability and entropy-stability of a self-shrinker, and gave a classification of self-shrinkers in the hypersurface case. The definitions of many concepts in their paper can be naturally generalized to the higher codimension case (cf. [2,3,13]). Given x 0 ∈ R n+p and t 0 > 0, F x 0 ,t 0 is defined by dµ.