The new result of this paper connected with the following problem: Consider a supporting hyperplane of a regular simplex and its reflected image at this hyperplane. When will be the volume of the convex hull of these two simplices maximal? We prove that in the case when the dimension is less or equal to 4, the maximal volume achieves in that case when the hyperplane goes through on a vertex and orthogonal to the height of the simplex at this vertex. More interesting that in the higher dimensional cases this position is not optimal. We also determine the optimal position of hyperplane in the 5-dimensional case. This corrects an erroneous statement in my paper [3].√ 2 e i , where {e 0 , e 1 , . . . , e n } is an orthonormed basis of an (n + 1)dimensional Euclidean space. Set s i := 1 √ 2 (e i − e 0 ) for i = 0, . . . , n the system of the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 52A40, 52A38, 26B15, 52B11.