Despite many decades of study, new solid rocket motors systems frequently experience unsteady gas motions and associated motor vibrations. This phenomenon most often occurs when the acoustic modes of the combustion chamber couple with combustion/flow processes. Current linear models of the sort used in the Standard Stability Prediction (SSP) code are designed to predict the tendency for a solid rocket motor to become unstable, but they do not provide any information on the severity of the instability (usually measured by the limit cycle amplitude of the oscillations) or on the triggerability (the tendency of an otherwise stable system to oscillate when pulsed with a sufficiently large disturbance) of the system. A goal of our present work is to build nonlinear capability into the the SSP tools. Success in incorporating useful nonlinear capabilities depends on a sufficiently complete and physically correct linear model. Accordingly, Software and Engineering Associates, Inc., has undertaken major improvements in the linear stability analysis and associated capabilities of the Solid Performance Program (SPP). These improvements support the development of new nonlinear capabilities to predict the oscillating pressure limit cycle amplitude, triggering and the DC pressure shift, the latter of which is often the most important threat to the rocket motor system resulting from combustion oscillations. In this paper, we focus on the recent additions and improvements to the linear SSP module. These include major improvement to the linkage between the rocket design code and SSP, and the inclusion of rotational flow effects that allow the satisfaction of key boundary conditions in the unsteady flow field solutions. The enhanced capability of the SSP is demonstrated by comparing the modified code to previous analyses for several solid rocket motors covering a wide range of typical design characteristics. Examples include systems predicted to be stable by earlier versions of the SSP code that were in fact inherently unstable. The improved linear code yields results which better fit the experimental findings. The analytic approaches of Culick 2 and Flandro 3-4 for modeling combustion stability have been evaluated previously. 5 An underlying similarity between these approaches is their reliance on the linear stability analysis. If